Sunday 24 November 2013

Our Shared Book

This term we have been reading 'The Last Tuatara' by Des Hunt. This is fantastic  adventure/mystery book set in New Zealand, where the survival of the tuatara is at risk. With problems just as spray poisoning, climate change and the dangerous smugglers  we were kept on the edge of our seats. It is well written with some graphic descriptions - an adrenaline pumping read set in our wonderful natural world.

We realised that Mrs Hall's daughter works on an island where they are working to keep the tuatara alive and to ensure that they don't become extinct just like it said at the end of the book. Her website is:
Have a look and see the wonderful photos of the tuataras she is looking after especially the baby one smaller than the clogs.
A&P Show Creations

All month we have been preparing for Nelsons A&P show.
Everyone has had tons of fun designing and creating their individual items. Also our awesome teacher, Mrs Scott made us create at least one item at home as well as every Thursday working on one at school.We had great results with Max winning the recycled class, Danielle winning the sewing, Sam R winning the necklace, Josh the photo frame, Rani the card and Cameron the item from natural fibre.     Danielle.
Rani's winning card made from modelling clay
Lewis' animal painting